Netflix Autoplay Chrome Extension – v0.8 – Chromecast Support!

I put out an update the other night, this one adds support for Chromecast.

And it looks like I was just in time for the new season of Orange Is the New Black, so get your binge on!

Web Store:


Netflix Autoplay Chrome Extension – Still More Updates

I have added still more updated to my Chrome extension.

0.6 Updates:
*Added episode counter in addition to timer
*Pausing video stops timer
*Fixed bugs when stopping

0.5 Updates:
*Play/Pause, Next and Stop media buttons on keyboard now work with Netflix.
*ctrl+q now causes the same action as the sleep timer ending (ex: pause movie & sleep).

Chrome store link:

Github link:

Netflix Autoplay Chrome Extension with Computer Sleep / Shutdown – Updates

I have added a number of updates to my Netflix autoplay extension. In addition to autoplaying TV episodes and shutting down when done, it now also adds support for the keyboard media keys play/pause, next, and stop to Netflix, and also adds a new keyboard shortcut of ctrl+q which does the same thing that will happen when the timer reaches zero. The extension and Github have both been updated.

Also, a little while ago I added default value options for the popup that can be set in the extension option.


Chrome Store Link:

Netflix Autoplay Chrome Extension – With System Sleep!

Bookmarklets are cool and all that, but what I have really always wanted the autoplay functionality for Netflix to do is emulate the ‘Sleep Timer’ found on most TVs. That is, I want it to play for some amount of them, and when done, shut everything off. I know I am not the only person around who has used the function on the TV for years while going to sleep. I have known that this is not possible using just a bookmarklet, but I never got the energy up to actually figure out how to make one. One of the reasons is that I have always known that calling something external like the Shutdown/Sleep command on the computer would be a huge pain. This new HTML5 video Netflix is using for Chrome though made it just a bit too tempting.

The core functionality works basically the same way as this one, since Chrome extensions just use Javascript. I had to figure out how to do all the fancy stuff that makes it an extension, AND add the stuff to allow it to interact with the system to call the Sleep command.

And here it is: Netflix Autoplayer – Chrome Extension

For the ‘Sleep’ functionality to work, once you have installed the extension, you must download the install.bat file that you will see a link for at the bottom of the dialog for the extension. You must run this (and I believe you might need administrator privileges when you do) it creates a couple files that are needed and adds a registry entry. Really, in general I would say you should not do something like that. You shouldn’t be running random things people on the internet tell you to. If you want the ‘Sleep’ to work though, that’s what you need to do. If you understand how .bat files work, it is actually really small, so you can check out what it is doing.

Once you have done the above you can actually edit one of the files it creates, it is located at:

And by default should have the following:

:: Lock
::rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
:: Shutdown
::Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
:: Hibernate
::rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
:: Sleep
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

As you can see, ‘Sleep’ is what it does by default, but I have entries for Hibernate, Shutdown, and Lock all listed, just uncomment the one you want and comment the others back out…Hell if you want you could really put anything you like in that file and make it run anything when the timer gets to zero.

Chrome Web Store Link:

Github Link:

Hope you enjoy!

NEW Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet!


I was checking out Netflix today, and they seem to have moved to an HTML5 video player (for me in Chrome at least, and that is all I tested). This is awesome news as it made writing a new autoplay bookmarklet easy as shit! They also got rid if the bit of Javascript they were trying to use to prevent you from using the console. I don’t know why they made the decision to get rid of that, it could be because they know it is a dumb idea and anybody who actually knows what they are doing can get around it, it could be because they are now OK with people playing around, it could be just an accident, but I am going to take personal credit for it because of this post: I Don’t Like Being Told What I Can and Can’t Do.

Anyway, as I said, this awesome new HTML5 video player made my job super easy – as you can see by how much less code there is this time…and here it is:

‘use strict’;
//Check if user has already loaded an instance – if so, just update the play time;
if(window._ME && window._ME.autoplayer) {
//Get desired play time extension & convert to miliseconds
window._ME.autoplayer.playTime = window.prompt(‘Autoplay already started! Updating playtime. \n How many more minutes would you like to play for?’) * 60 * 1000;
if(isNaN(window._ME.autoplayer.playTime)) {
window.alert(‘That\’s not a number jackass.’);
window._ME.autoplayer.startTime = new Date();

window._ME = {
autoplayer: {}

//Get desired play time & convert to miliseconds
window._ME.autoplayer.playTime = window.prompt(‘How many minutes would you like to play for?’) * 60 * 1000;
if(isNaN(window._ME.autoplayer.playTime)) {
window.alert(‘That\’s not a number jackass.’);
window._ME.autoplayer.startTime = new Date();
var lastUpdate = new Date();

//Checks if the video has stopped or if we are done playing once a second
window._ME.autoplayer.interval = setInterval(function() {
var currentTime = new Date();

// Check if autoplay-interrupt has fired
if(document.getElementsByClassName(‘player-autoplay-interrupter’).length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName(‘continue-playing’).length > 0) {
//Just click the continue button!

//Check if at end of season
if (document.getElementsByClassName(‘player-postplay-autoplay-header’) && document.getElementsByTagName(‘video’).length === 0 && document.getElementsByClassName(‘player-postplay-still-hover’).length > 0) {
//Click the next video picture

//Check if we have reached the users max play time
if(window._ME.autoplayer.playTime && currentTime – window._ME.autoplayer.startTime > window._ME.autoplayer.playTime && document.getElementsByClassName(‘player-play-pause’).length > 0) {
//click the pause button

//remove all traces of this autoplayer

lastUpdate = currentTime;
}, 1000);

Basically all I had to do this time was watch for when the right elements popup on the screen, and when they do, click them. Thank you Netflix!

The Thing You Want:
Here is the Bookmarklet: Restart Timer

Turn off Autoplay:
[sourcecode language=’javascript’]
(function() {

Bookmarklet: Turn off Autoplay

If you are new to this, to use these, simply drag those links up to your bookmark bar, then start up the TV show you want to watch, and click the first bookmark.

The bookmarklet will ask you how long you want to play for, and it will pause the video and remove itself when it hits that time limit. For never-ending play, just enter “0”.
-If you hit it a second time, it will as you again how long you want to play for, and restart the timer with the new length.

If you hit the second bookmarklet I have there, it will restart the timer. Meaning that if you put in “60” (for 1 hour of play time) hitting it will restart the countdown back to 60 minutes.

If you hit the third bookmarklet, it will remove all traces of the bookmarklet from the page (basically the same as just hitting refresh on the page).

This should have no problem with multiple seasons, or any of that fancy stuff. Let me know if you find any bugs, I may do something about them I guess.

And I should have this up on GitHub shortly here:

Yeah, I just tried this in FireFox, and apparently it still uses SilverLight, not HTML5 videos, so this wont work at all in it. So, please don’t tell me about how it is broken in FireFox, I will not be doing anything about that…If you are using IE, then I REALLLY don’t care if it works or not. If you send me anything about your IE situation I may send you back an insult, or possibly a picture of a cat butt, that might be fun for you I guess? I don’t know if you will be able to view them on IE though.

I Don’t Like Being Told What I Can and Can’t Do

I was trying to update my Netflix autoplay bookmarklet since the autoplay feature that Netflix came out with is…not great. What I found was that Netflix tried to disable the console. Well, that became a more interesting problem to solve…and quite an easy one too. The code Netflix uses to disable the console is:

(function () {
    try {
        var $_console$$ = console;
        Object.defineProperty(window, "console", {
            get: function () {
                if ($_console$$._commandLineAPI) throw "Sorry, for security reasons, the script console is deactivated on";
                return $_console$$
            set: function ($val$$) {
                $_console$$ = $val$$
    } catch ($ignore$$) {}

To undo this is actually really simple, we just need to set the getter/setter back to 'undefined' and everything is happy:

Object.defineProperty(window, "console", {
	get: undefined,
	set: undefined

And of course this is easy to make into a bookmarklet like so:

Enable Console
Sorry Netflix =)

Netflix added autoplay!

Hey I don’t need to update my bookmarklet any more. Actually, I was going to update it again, but I had an interview with them and they told me it was about to happen, so that was why I didn’t bother! Didn’t know if I should post that before it happened though. It was fun though, thanks everybody for enjoying it!

Fixed Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet!

As promised, here is the new fixed version of my bookmarklet:

Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet
Please note I can no longer tell when the episode is almost over, so I am now just timing the entire length of play. You will now see a countdown telling you when it will change to the next episode. This means a few things:
* If you pause the show, or it takes a long time to buffer, or is has to buffer in the middle, the timer will be off and it will switch early. There are some things you can do about this, first, you will see ‘||’ next to the timer, clicking it will pause the countdown, clicking again will unpause it, so if you walk away, be sure to click this. Also, you can click the countdown and type a new time into it, you can either give a number of seconds, or enter time in the mm:ss format.

Also, next to the pause button you will see a ‘-‘ most of you can ignore this, but if you have a lot of problems with buffering taking a really long time or something, you can also click the ‘-‘ and enter a number of seconds there. This will be added to what the bookmarklet thinks is the length of each episode to allow for buffering and such. By default 10 seconds is added to allow the episodes to load properly.

I have not done extensive testing on this, so there could very will be some bugs. If you find any, let me know.


//Takes our countdown timer and converts it to mm:ss and displays to user
function updateTime() {
var seconds = (countdownTimer % 60) + '';
if(seconds.length === 0)
seconds = '00';
else if(seconds.length === 1)
seconds = '0' + seconds;

timerNode.innerHTML = Math.floor(countdownTimer / 60) + ':' + seconds;

//Grabs the data for the episode matching the ID passed in
function getCurrentEpisodeData(episodeId) {
var episode, i = 0, j = 0;

if(episodeData && && {
for(i=0; i<; i++) { for(j=0; j<[i].episodes.length; j++) { if([i].episodes[j].id === episodeId) { episode =[i].episodes[j]; break; } } if(episode) break; } } return episode; } //Grabs the data for the episode following the one with the ID passed in function getNextEpisodeData(episodeId) { var episode, i = 0, j = 0, found = false; if(episodeData && && { for(i=0; i<; i++) { for(j=0; j<[i].episodes.length; j++) { if([i].episodes[j].id === episodeId) { found = true; } else if(found) { episode =[i].episodes[j]; break; } } if(episode) break; } } return episode; } //base64 decoder function decode64(input) { var keyStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=', output = '', chr1, chr2, chr3 = '', enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = '', i = 0, base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g; input = input.replace(base64test, ''); do { enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = ''; enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = ''; } while (i<input.length); return unescape(output); } if(window.NetflixAutoplayLoaded) { alert('Autoplay already loaded.'); //return false; } else { window.NetflixAutoplayLoaded = true; } //resize the player so we can see the text we are about to insert under it document.getElementById('SLPlayer').style.height = (window.innerHeight - 35) + 'px'; document.getElementById('SLPlayerWrapper').style.height = (window.innerHeight - 35) + 'px'; document.getElementById('page-content').style.height = (window.innerHeight - 35) + 'px'; //create the text and other shizzy we want var autoplayElement = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); = 'NetflixAutoplayContainer'; autoplayElement.innerHTML = '

Time left until switch: 00:00 || -
'; var timerNode = document.getElementById('NetflixAutoplayTimer'); var autoplayText = document.getElementById('NetflixAutoplay'); var pauseButton = document.getElementById('NetflixAutoPauser'); var delay = document.getElementById('NetflixAutoDelay'); //the number of seconds to wait for the show to buffer on load var timerDelay = 10; //Pull the current episode information and the full series data for us var episodeData = JSON.parse(decode64(netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.metadata)); var currentEppId = (/,EpisodeMovieId=\d*/.exec(netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.initParams)[0]).split('=')[1]; //gets data for current & next epps var currentEpp = getCurrentEpisodeData(currentEppId); var nextEpp = getNextEpisodeData(; var paused = false; //bool to see if paused var done = false; //bool to see if finished autoplay var editingTime = false; //bool to check if user is editing time //Javascript to execute to change episode var ini = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); ini = ini[ini.length-1].innerHTML; //Set the countdown till next episode + the pause we need for buffer function updateCountdown() { countdownTimer = parseInt(currentEpp.runtime, 10) + timerDelay; } var countdownTimer = 0; //episode length timer updateCountdown(); //Sets the count down timer for current episode //Prompt user for number of episodes var numToWatch = 3; function getNumberOfEpisodesToWatch() { var newNum; do { newNum = prompt('How many episodes would you like to play?', numToWatch); } while (isNaN(newNum)); numToWatch = parseInt(newNum, 10); //set the text if(numToWatch > 0) { autoplayText.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay on, Episodes left: ' + numToWatch; if(done) { //if we have already finished, restart done = false; switchEpps(); } } else { autoplayText.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay off'; } } //ask the user for the number of episodes they want getNumberOfEpisodesToWatch(); //handler for pause button function pause() { if(pauseButton.innerHTML === '||') { paused = true; pauseButton.innerHTML = '>'; } else { paused = false; pauseButton.innerHTML = '||'; } } //handles editing the buffer delay function delayEdit(e) { if((!e.keyCode || e.keyCode === 13) && !isNaN(delay.innerHTML)) { timerDelay = parseInt(delay.innerHTML, 10); if (!e) var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } //handler for editing time left to play function editTime(e) { timerNode.contentEditable=true; editingTime = true; if (!e) var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; } //handles updating time left to play after user edit function endEdit(e) { if(timerNode.contentEditable.toString() === 'true' && (e.type === 'blur' || e.keyCode === 13)) { timerNode.contentEditable = false; editingTime = false; var time = timerNode.innerHTML; if(time.indexOf(':') >0) { //converts minutes:seconds into time time = time.split(':'); countdownTimer = parseInt(time[0], 10)*60 + parseInt(time[1], 10); } else { //converts just seconds into time if(!isNaN(time)) { countdownTimer = parseInt(time, 10); } } if (!e) var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } //Does everything to change to the next episode function switchEpps() { //setup the script for the next epp ini = ini.replace(/,EpisodeMovieId=\d*/,',EpisodeMovieId=' +; //switch out data to the new epps currentEpp = nextEpp; nextEpp = getNextEpisodeData(; //Switch to next epp & update text if(currentEpp) { autoplayText.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay on, Episodes left: ' + numToWatch; updateCountdown(); eval(ini); nextEppTimer(); } else { autoplayText.innerHTML = 'There does not seem to be a next episode.'; } } //Main loop, updates our timer and stuff, switches to next epp when necessary, yadayda function nextEppTimer() { setTimeout(function() { if(isNaN(countdownTimer) || isNaN(numToWatch)) { autoplayText.innerHTML = 'NUMBERS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! GOOD NIGHT!'; nextEppTimer(); return; } if(countdownTimer <= 0) { if(numToWatch-- > 0) { switchEpps(); } else { done = true; autoplayText.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay completed.'; numToWatch = 0; } } else { if(!editingTime && !paused) { countdownTimer--; updateTime(); } nextEppTimer(); } }, 1000); } //attach the events we need autoplayText.addEventListener('click', getNumberOfEpisodesToWatch, false); pauseButton.addEventListener('click', pause, false); timerNode.addEventListener('click', editTime, false); timerNode.addEventListener('blur', endEdit, false); timerNode.addEventListener('keypress', endEdit, false); delay.addEventListener('blur', delayEdit, false); delay.addEventListener('keyup', delayEdit, false); //START EVERYTHING! nextEppTimer(); })();

I Know My Netflix Bookmarklet Broken!

Yes folks, I know. I am sorry, the new player they released last week broke it. I too was sad to discover this, I mean I didn’t really make it for you all, I made it because I wanted it! I really didn’t know if anybody was actually using it, but seeings as my site has maintained traffic at pretty much double by highest day ever EVERY DAY since Netflix broke it, I guess other people like it too. Netflix changed a lot of things, some of it easy to fix, some not as much. Shit happens; que sera sera.

YES, I HAVE A FIX! It is not done yet. I think it will be better in some ways, worse in others. I promise you all (baring catastrophe) it will be out this week.

Thanks to everybody leaving comments and sending me emails telling me that you love it, were upset that it broke, and really want me to fix it! It is amazing to have people actually getting enough enjoyment out of something I made to do those things!

TL;DR: Fix will be out this week.

I Githubed myself!

(Githubbed?) Well, I finally took the time to throw my bookmarklet up on Github, I have some more projects I may add soon, but for now, if you want to fork my bookmarklet, I have it here:

Also, getting on Github with windows was not as easy as they made it sound, I had to generate keys using puttygen, doing it through GIT bash did not work at all like Ghithub’s documentation lead me to believe.